Indelible ink mark on Adults and Kids
Tamil Nadu recorded 73.67 of Polling Percentage in Lok Sabha Election 2014. Total 5.5 crore people casted their vote to select Good PM. Leave the Facts apart.
Priya, My Mom and Abhinav went to Polling Booth to cast their vote around 750AM. My Mom and Priya Casted their vote and got their electoral stain on their forefinger.
Abhinav asked his mom that " I also need Mark and let me cast my vote".
Priya Replied that you can cast your vote only if you crss Age 18. Abhinav felt inferior for his under age (Only 4)in front of others.
Abhinav replied that " Mom i got my mark during Polio Vaccination (January 2014)".
He laughed and replied that " You all are late".
Priya, My Mom and Polling Booth officer joined with him for Big Laugh.