Abhinav's One of the " Good Feel" hangout place. He loves to speak with Animals and feeds few grass and Leafs to Deers occasionally ( Strictly prohibited for feeding).
Few of Interesting Conversations:
I was showing Owl Cage and explaining to him.
Me: Owl can have 360 degree view because their neck supports. See, it rotates its neck.
Abhinav: Right Daddy. i saw it.
Abhinav: But Owls are supposed to wake up only Night....Why it is wake up now and seeing us.....
Me: What a tricky question....( me feeling of " Kill the Textbooks")
Priya: Since we are speaking loudly and it is disturbing them for sleeping at day time.
Abhinav: haaan ....hmmm....hmmm...
I was showing Snakes and White Rats and explaining to him.
Me: Snakes likes to eat Rat, Frog ....etc.
Me: You see these white rats are meant for Snakes. Thats why they are growing them.
Abhinav Where are the frogs then????
Me: Oh..God.
Thanks to Priya for Arranging " Tamarind rice, Tomato Rice and Curd Rice...of course Chips and Biscuits to Bite....
Few Pictures:
Peacock hinted us " Its going to rain" ( It did and smashed the Building in Moulivakkam...12 storied building...big collapse)

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